Tyre, also known as Sour (pronounced soor), was one of the most important cities on the Mediterranean. Today, this city in southern Lebanon is home to fine Roman ruins perched up against the sea, a pleasant and walkable small town, incredibly friendly people, and fresh flowers bursting out in every direction.

Some places give you great vibes from the moment you arrive. That was Tyre to me. It was walking along the seaside and having fresh orange juice with a mother and her young son. It was being one of the few people at the ruins, wondering why it wasn’t full of tourists. It was wandering through the town and photographing each piece of it.

Tyre is one of Lebanon’s UNESCO World Heritage Sites, designated for its ancient ruins, history as a Phoenician city, founding of cities like Cadiz and Carthage — and their achievement of inventing purple dye!

How to Get to Tyre: Tyre is about a one hour and 45-minute drive from Beirut. For public transportation, the minibus to Tyre (Sour) leaves from Cola Intersection in Beirut and you may need to change minibuses in Sidon (Saida) along the way. This day trip from Beirut visits Tyre, Sidon, and Maghdouche.